Προηγμένα Θέματα Αλγορίθμων
Ομιλίες σχετικές με αλγόριθμους, πολυπλοκότητα, και learning σήμερα 17:00-19:00, 1.1.31 Παλ. Κτήριο Ηλεκ/γων
Σήμερα 18/3 θα μας μιλήσει ο Βαγγέλης Χατζηαφράτης, απόφοιτος ΣΗΜΜΥ και τελειόφοιτος υπ. διδάκτορας στο Stanford, για τα παρακάτω
δύο θέματα. Οι ομιλίες θα γίνουν 5μμ-7μμ στην αίθουσα 1.1.31 του Παλ. Κτ. Ηλεκ/γων.
Title: Hierarchical Clustering as a Tool for Unsupervised Learning: An Optimization Viewpoint
Abstract: Hierarchical Clustering (HC) is a widely studied problem in
unsupervised learning and exploratory data analysis, usually tackled by
simple agglomerative procedures like average-linkage, single-linkage or
complete-linkage. Applications of HC include reasoning about text
documents, understanding the Evolution of species and the Tree of life,
decomposing social networks like Facebook, or even organizing large data
centers efficiently. Surprisingly, despite the plethora of heuristics
for tackling the problem, until recently there was no optimization
objective associated with it; this is in stark contrast with flat
clustering objectives like k-means, k-median and k-center. In this talk,
we will give an overview of the optimization objectives for
Hierarchical Clustering, we will analyze the popular Average-Linkage
procedure and mention some of its drawbacks. Then, we will propose
better algorithms with provably better approximation guarantees. (Full
paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.02227.pdf). Most of the talk is based on joint works with Moses Charikar and Rad Niazadeh.
Title: On the Computational Power of Online Gradient Descent
Abstract: How efficiently can we compute the weight vector of online
gradient descent after T steps? We prove that the evolution of weight
vectors in online gradient descent can encode arbitrary polynomial-space
computations, even in very simple learning settings. Our results imply
that, under weak complexity-theoretic assumptions, it is impossible to
reason efficiently about the fine-grained behavior of online gradient
descent. Specifically, during the talk, we will see how even in the
extremely simple learning setting of soft-margin SVMs (support vector
machines), the weight updates can encode an instance of the
PSPACE-complete C-Path problem. Our reduction and our results also
extend to simple ReLU neural networks.
(Full paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.01280.pdf)
Based on joint work with Tim Roughgarden (Columbia) and Josh Wang (Google).