Ομιλία Δευτέρας 12/12

Φωτογραφία Αντώνης Αντωνόπουλος
Ομιλία Δευτέρας 12/12
από Αντώνης Αντωνόπουλος - Monday, 12 December 2022, 1:50 PM

Σήμερα θα γίνει και guest ομιλία, από τον Α. Μουζάκη:

New Lower Bounds for Private Estimation and a Generalized Fingerprinting Lemma

ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ: We prove new lower bounds for statistical estimation tasks under the constraint of (\varepsilon, \delta)-differential privacy. First, we provide tight lower bounds for private covariance estimation of Gaussian distributions. We show that estimating the covariance matrix in Frobenius norm requires \Omega(d^2) samples, and in spectral norm requires \Omega(d^{\frac{3}{2}}) samples, both matching upper bounds up to logarithmic factors. We prove these bounds via our main technical contribution, a broad generalization of the fingerprinting method to exponential families. Additionally, using the private Assouad method of Acharya, Sun, and Zhang, we show a tight \Omega(\frac{d}{\alpha^2 \varepsilon}) lower bound for estimating the mean of a distribution with bounded covariance to \alpha-error in \ell_2-distance. Prior known lower bounds for all these problems were either polynomially weaker or held under the stricter condition of (\varepsilon, 0)-differential privacy.

Based on joint work with Gautam Kamath and Vikrant Singhal. The paper is available on https://arxiv.org