Υπολογιστική Πολυπλοκότητα
Διαθέσιμες Ομιλίες - Available Presentation Topics
- Function Problems: The classes coNP and ΔNP, Function classes and reductions, the classes PLS and PPAD.
[Chapter 10 from [1], David S. Johnson, The NP-completeness column: Finding needles in haystacks (2007)] - Alternation
[Ch.5 from [2]] - Quantum Computation
[Ch. 10 from [2]] - Zero-knowledge Proofs
[O. Goldreich, Zero-Knowledge, 2002] - Pseudorandomness & Derandomization
[Luca Trevisan, Pseudorandomness and Combinatorial Constructions, In Proceedings of ICM 2006] - Algebraic Computation
[Ch. 16 from [2]] - PCPs, Inapproximability, Discrete Fourier Analysis
[Luca Trevisan, On Khot's Unique Games Conjecture, Bulletin of the AMS 49(1): 91-111, 2012]
- Communication Complexity
[Ch. 13 from [2]] - Average-Case Complexity
[Ch. 18 from [2] - PSPACE-completeness
[Ch. 19 from [1]] - Cryptography and Complexity
[Ch. 9 from [2]
Last modified: Monday, 5 November 2018, 5:57 PM